
documentary web series


but… why ?

Horror humanum est aims to remain some of the bloodiest milestones of human history.

The objective is however not to identify all the battles and massacres of History, the work would be too great … This is not a “palmares” a worst-of human history or even a calibration attempt to barbarism.

The series just want to remember how the civilization concepts, moral, the values of good and evil are relative to a culture and an era.

Summarize a historical fact in two minutes may sound simplistic, far from the complexity of the facts, cultural and social context and the need for querying sources.
Please keep in mind that the series is not the work of a historian but a graphic designer interested by history and seeks to share some knowledge, necessarily imperfect.

I especially hope that the series will entertain those who have the curiosity to watch.


Cédric Villain, 45 years old, applied art teacher in Roubaix (North of France), director of some animated films is the main contractor of this project, from the first point of writing to the last detail of the website stylesheet. You can contact him with the form you can find in the footer of this page.
The Typeface used is the Corporative Soft of the Latinotype fondry
Website done with Dotclear and hosted by
Videos hosted by YouTube and Vimeo.


Martin GRANGER, Peter ORINS, Anne-Lise BAIDER, Emmanuelle VILLAIN, Olivier BOUSQUET, Susan PICKFORD, Robert MUCHEMBLED, the CNC commission, Fabienne GIEZENDANNER, Adrien BARREAU.

Support the series

If the series seems to have some interest for you, feel free to support it with the amount of your choice following this link.
The episodes are produced on my sparetime, I probably won’t be able to produce more than one every month. Paying won’t increase the speed but might help increasing the general quality, especialy the sound part.

General Bibliography

Each episode has a series of references and links. Here are some books concerning the general views, mainly in french - sorry…

  1. Thierry Camous, La violence de masse dans l’histoire, Paris, Puf, 2010, 198 p.
  2. Terry Deary, The Horrible history of the world, Ed. Scholastic, 2007, 96 p.
  3. Terry Deary, Horrible histories, France, Ed. Scholastic, 2002, 175 p.
  4. David El Kenz (sous la direction de), Le massacre objet d’histoire, Paris, Gallimard Folio histoire, 2005, 560 p.
  5. Michel Foucault, Surveiller et punir, Paris, Gallimard, 1975, 359 p.
  6. Sigmund Freud, présenté par Clotilde Leguil, Le Malaise dans la civilisation, Ed.Points, 2010 184 p.
  7. Phil Mason, Les testicules de Jeanne d’arc et autres surprises de l’Histoire, Ed de l’opportun, 2009, 330 p.
  8. Martin Monestier, Peines de mort, Paris, Le cherche midi, 2004, 300 p.
  9. Robert Muchembled, Une histoire de la violence, Paris, Seuil, 2008, 498 p.
  10. Robert Muchembled (sous la direction de), présenté par Alain Corbin, Violences sexuelles, Ed. Imago, 1989.
  11. Fernand Nicolaÿ, Histoire sanglante de l’Humanité, Ed. Pierre Téqui, Paris, 1909, 377 p.
  12. Steven Pinker, The better angels of our nature, why violence has decline, Penguin Books, 2011, 802 p.
  13. Guy Richard, L’histoire inhumaine : Massacres et génocides des origines à nos jours, Paris, Armand Colin, 1992, 479 p.
  14. Jacques Sémelin, purifier et détruire, Usages politiques des massacres et génocides, la couleur des idées, Seuil, 2005, 486 p.